In the YASPE hosting control panel you’ll see an intuitive site creation tool that you can leverage to create a brand new, eye–pleasing website all by yourself. It’s very easy to master, even if you are not tech savvy. The builder offers quite a lot of site templates found in numerous color variations that you can change in line with your taste. Plus, to top it all off, your website will look superb on phones, tablets and computers!

The site creation tool is present with all Linux web hosting, VPS servers, Linux semi-dedicated service, and dedicated service offers which come with the YASPE Web Site Control Panel.

A convenient to use site creation tool

No coding background is required

The purpose of our site creation tool is to make website creation easy and to let you develop an attractive site without ever having to pen even one line of HTML, PHP or MySQL, or any other coding languages.

You could do this by means of layout blocks which you could add to every theme and then tweak and move around as you want. And last but not least, you can trash the blocks you don’t need with just a click. Should you choose to make your site more enticing, you could quickly embed videos and photos, or even a photo gallery to it.

And it all works smoothly.

Easy-to-use Site Builder

An assortment of easy–to–redesign templates

Super cool themes that look impeccable across mobile phones

To generate a good–looking website, you’ll need to create a suitable infrastructure. For this reason, the YASPE’s site creation tool offers a vast set of one of a kind site templates, perfect for any type of websites – personal pages, ecommerce stores, discussion forums, etc.

Each theme is easy–to–redesign, with numerous layouts, unique color combinations and inbuilt support for well over 100 different web fonts. You can customize each of these settings with just a click. Moreover, if at any time you want to replace your website theme and go for a new one, all changes you have made will be carried over instantly.

An assortment of easy–to–redesign templates

In–built Help Center and how–to video tutorials

See exactly how simple it indeed is to kickstart a web presence

The YASPE’s site creation tool offers a helpdesk which features comprehensive step–by–step articles and videos triggered by the most frequently asked questions by customers.

You’ll be able to find out how to personalize your theme and create a brand new page. In addition, you’ll be able to see just how you can select an alternative theme or maybe embed a blog onto your website.

Apart from that, you can get in touch with us anytime in case you need real–time assistance with your website.

Video Tutorials