To maintain a fast running web site, you must have a clean and well crafted back–end code. Inside the Web Site Control Panel, you’ll find a range of instruments that will help you accelerate your site’s overall performance without needing to edit anything inside the code. The Website Accelerator Applications – Node.js, Memcached and Varnish will not just enable you to supply speedier loading rates to your site visitors and consequently decrease bounce volumes, but could even take your web site higher in the search engine listings.

To utilize the Website Accelerator Applications, simply log into your Web Site Control Panel and generate an instance for the accelerator you like the most.


RAM–saving as an alternative to data–base queries

If you’ve got a fast paced database–operated site or web app, it might have problems running rapidly for the customers as a result of the different requests sent to the data base. To let you solve the web page streaming problem, we’ve integrated the Memcached tool within the Web Site Control Panel.

Memcached is really an impressive memory–based object store, which saves data as well as objects in the server’s memory in order to avoid the database from being queried whenever a visitor loads a particular web page. By doing this, your website pages are going to load faster for website visitors and will definitely boost the opportunity for them to return.

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RAM–storing as opposed to HTTP calls

While using the Varnish website accelerator tool included in the Web Site Control Panel, you can make your site webpages stream more rapidly for your customers. All configurations are performed using a user friendly interface, with no need to come up with any kind of immediate changes to the program code of your respective website.

Varnish is really an HTTP acceleration application that helps the webpages load a lot faster by saving them within the server’s memory. This way, after a web page has been opened by a website visitor in the past, it won’t have to be sent from the hosting server any further, which in turn reduces delivery times and also hastens your webpages. It has been assessed that Varnish in general boosts website load times with a factor of 300 – 1000x.

Hepsia File Manager


Designed for making quick and adaptable web applications

Web programmers can make use of Node.js for the purpose of producing different high–quality and economical tools like business stats, real time applications and website CMS, to name just a few. It is quick and flexible and is backed up by a proactive online community that is consistently promoting and supporting it.

Node.js is based on the Google V8 JavaScript engine and also utilizes an event–based, non–blocking I/O pattern that renders its API adaptable and upgradeable. This particular innovative formula allows for programmers to speedily assemble top quality web applications using only one particular language.

Hepsia File Manager