There’re a lot of web-based email providers that you can use, but having an email account with your own domain will grant you more credibility if you have a company, for example, not to mention that with web-based email services there are limitations on the maximum size of the attachments that you can receive or send. If you use an email service that supports the POP3 and IMAP email delivery protocols, you won’t face such problems and you’ll be able to use any software program on your PC to check your email messages, including Apple Mail, Outlook or Thunderbird. You can even set up a mailbox on your smartphone. The difference between the two protocols is that with IMAP, an email message is displayed locally at your end, but remains on the server, whereas with POP3, the message is downloaded to your PC, unless you set up the program in such a way as to save a copy on the server.
POP3 IMAP E-mail Accounts in Web Hosting
If you order a Linux web hosting through us, you’ll be able to create email accounts with any domain hosted in your account and to set them up with any email software application. During the setup procedure, you can select POP3 or IMAP as we support the two email retrieval protocols, so it will be up to you if all emails will be downloaded at your end or if they will stay on the email server. With us, you can even set up an email account on your phone irrespective of its Operating System and we have included in-depth tutorials on how to perform that. To save yourself time, you can also download and run our auto-config files to set up an email account in Thunderbird, Apple Mail or Outlook automatically. With our shared hosting plans, you can select a desired device and app to check your emails.
POP3 IMAP E-mail Accounts in Semi-dedicated Servers
Our semi-dedicated server packages offer support for both email retrieval protocols, so you can opt for either one when you set up an email account with an email client. You can also download auto-config files for any account that you create from the Email Manager section of the Hepsia hosting Control Panel, via which you manage the server. In this way, you can add any email account to Thunderbird, Apple Mail or Outlook without needing to do anything manually. If you’re non-stop on the move and you’d like to access your emails using a smartphone, we’ve included comprehensive tutorials with screenshots explaining how to set up an account on an iPhone or an Android phone. With our semi-dedicated server packages, you can download the email messages on a single device or you can store them on the server, so as to be able to access your emails from different locations and devices.
POP3 IMAP E-mail Accounts in VPS Servers
With our VPS server plans, you’ll be able to create unlimited mailboxes and to use them with any email program on any device, as the VPSs include a pre-installed email server that offers support for both email protocols – POP3 and IMAP. This is valid with all Virtual Private Server packages regardless of which Control Panel you will choose during the signup procedure. With Hepsia and cPanel, you’ll be even able to download auto-configuration files, which will help you set up your email accounts in Apple Mail, Outlook or Thunderbird without entering or modifying any system info and any settings manually. You can use any other email software application to send and receive emails too. You can even use your mobile phone to check your electronic correspondence when you’re on the road.