Using our Web Site Optimization Resources, you can easily work on your web site’s acceptance directly from your Web Site Control Panel. Via the Sitemap Generator you will get a precise sitemap for your website within minutes. You could publish the sitemap to the major search engines so they can scan your site as soon as possible. Also, through the RSS News syndication software, you can easily deploy routinely updated publications on your website, which is a promise for greater rating positions with search engines. The GeoIP redirection tool will assist you to direct website visitors coming from a certain place into a special language variation of your site for more precise marketing outcomes.

A Sitemap Generator

A sitemap application integrated straight into your Web Site Control Panel

In case you have just recently launched your web site and want it to get indexed faster from the the major search engines, or if you need to provide your visitors an easy way to navigate through all your web pages, then you’ll need to employ a sitemap. Sitemap can be described as a listing of all the web pages on your web site that have been hyperlinked to. Usually, you have to make use of third–party tools to to get that done, nevertheless with YASPE, you can get a Sitemap Generator incorporated directly into the Web Site Control Panel.

The Sitemap Generator YASPE offers is very user friendly and since it’s entirely compatible with the cloud Linux web hosting platform – your website is going to be crawled really fast.

Sitemap Generator

GeoIP Redirection

Easy location–driven redirections

We offer a simple and easy application, which will let you narrow the visitors of your web site depending on their location. For instance, using the GeoIP redirection tool, you can quickly forward all of the visitors coming from Spain to the Spanish version of your web site if you’ve got such. This can help you target your clients much more precisely and provide them with the on–site stay they are expecting.

No exclusive capabilities or special expertise are needed to make use of the GeoIP re–direction application, and you no longer have to use .htaccess files to complete the job.

GeoIP Redirect

RSS News

Showcase the latest news on your website

What is actually RSS? RSS represents a technology for posting and gathering content. It’s becoming frequently used by news sites, private weblogs, newscasts, etcetera. The posted content is easily picked up from an RSS reader and then shown to the user. Working with RSS, users can easily get announcements from a wide range of sites and go through them in a single location.

Using our RSS News Publication application, you can quickly add media feeds from a lot of the world’s most common publication outlets and showcase them within your website.

RSS News